
IMG_8741Thank you for your interest in our products! You can purchase Herban Lifestyle’s all natural and organic bath and body products at the following online stores:

As well as our store:

Herban Lifestyle
2931C Eskridge Rd
1st Fl
Fairfax, VA 22031

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8 thoughts on “Shop

  1. Hi! I’m interested in buying quite a number of items from you. I love how sincerely organic your products, and I’m always looking for these since I’ve came down with ITP, which makes my platelets sensitive to chemicals. please reply to my email?

    Thanks and regards,


  2. Hi! Do you happen to have any advice for someone who is wanting to open an Herbal/healthy foods store on Etsy? You seem to be doing very well and if you have any tips for an up and coming Etsy store owner, they would be greatly appreciated!


    • I started by joining Etsy as a buyer. I looked around at different types of stores, I bought a couple of things to see how the process worked, and I read through the Etsy Forums and blogs, which have lots of information that is helpful for new stores. Otherwise, you just need to take pictures of your various products, write descriptions, decide on prices and figure out the cost of shipping for them. Then you are ready to set up shop! If you have any other questions, please feel free to contact me. Best of luck!


  3. Hi Tammy! It’s great to hear from you! How is everything? What are you up to these days? I was thinking about you recently. The Dalai Lama offered livestream teachings a couple of weekends ago, and I thought of the time we met up at the Kalachakra in DC. That was a lifetime ago!

    I still receive messages here, but my focus for the past 3 years has been my yoga/Reiki/workshop business.

    Liked by 1 person

    • A lot has changed in my life since we met. Was that 2010? I honestly don’t remember. My children have grown – although one is still at home. I changed my work and really for the most part, things are very good. Your site looks fabulous. I might zoom in for a class if I can make it work with the time difference. Blessings to you!


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